
Follow People not podcasts

We couldn't find any episodes for this person, but the feed still exists and if they appear in anything it will automatically get added!

(mabey check your spelling 😉)

Frequently Asked Questions

Simply put this page allows you to follow your favorite creators without manually searching or subscribing to 50 podcasts.

For example, type in 'Ben Schwartz' and hit 'Generate Feed'. It will create a link that you can add to your favorite podcast app. So whenever he make a guest appearance the podcast will automatically show up!

Just grab the url and follow the instructions for your favorite podcast app!

Apple, Pocketcast, Downcast, Overcast, Castro,

Unfortunatly Spotify doesn't have the ability to add custom rss, but thats the only major player without this ability


It works good enough for me who doesn't mind filtering out some false positives.
(There are a lotttt of 'John Stewart's going on podcasts 🙃)

Every week Conan O'Brian hosts "Conan O'Brian Needs a Friend", by default these episodes are not included in the feed

If you would like to include episodes where Conan apears as the host, just check this box!

I'm always looking to improve the system, right now its a little limited by the fact that I'm trying to identify the type of appearance based on the episode's title, description, ext...

I think it would be better if it just became common practice to add this stuff to the metadata in the rss feed

<hosts>Kevin Roose,Casey Newton</hosts>
<guests>Justin Trudeau,Daniel Kokotajlo</guests>
(or better yet a system with a UID)


I have no idea how the podcast economy works, I'm grabbing data from an API and collating them into a single feed.

I have no idea if this is taking plays away from podcast or if plays are not being recorded for advertiers.

If I am doing something bad please just let me know! ( I'll see if I can fix it if not I'll take the site down. :)

It genuinly helps me find new podcasts to listen to, but I could totally see this being a problem

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